Accessing eBooks
We have been expanding our eBook library as much as possible so students and families have access outside school, over the summer, and in case of any further virtual learning. Students can log in using their student ID number, also known as lunch number. Don't hesitate to contact us (your student's teacher, the front office, or Ms. Wilson) if you're unsure what the number is or have trouble signing in.
To browse or read eBooks, we'll use our library software called Destiny Discover.
Step 1
Go to in any browser, on any device, and click Log In in the top right-hand corner.
Step 2
Use the Student ID Number as Username AND Password.
Step 3
The Destiny Discover homepage will automatically load. At the top you'll see quick links to different platforms, including other eBook options like Echo and Clever.
In the top left-hand corner of any page, the hamburger menu will let you access account information like current checkouts, holds, and favorites.
Step 4
Scroll about halfway down the page and you will see the eBook and Interactive eBook categories. You can click See All to browse them separately, OR at the top of the page click Search Options to search all eBook formats.
Interactive eBooks have recorded narration.
Step 5
In the Search Options box, change the Format category to eBook to see all of them. You can also set options like reading level or search for keywords.
Step 6
After you click Search, on the results page you can filter by Language at the bottom left. Unfortunately the availability of Spanish eBooks is smaller, so we don't have as many.
From this page you can also click on a book to see more information, check it out, or save it as a favorite.
Step 7
When you open the book, the browser may ask for permission to store files on your device. It will open in Online mode, but in the menu in the top left corner, you can download the book to read offline. This menu also has the table of contents.
Step 8
If you checked a book out, please be sure to return it when you're finished by clicking the hamburger menu in the top left corner of the Destiny Discover homepage.
Don't hesitate to Ms. Freeman if you have any questions or need any assistance. Happy reading!